At this time, I get my luckiness again to watch The 1st test of 2014 Season and came to the Press Conference of Yamaha. At the first, this press conference went very well as it should be and finished with very successful. All media came to the stage for interviewing all riders and as usual Valentino Rossi have more a lot of attention.
And after that all finish I just standing beside the stair of the stage, don’t even want to bother of journalist to find information, after the interview finish Valentino Rossi walking to the stair and when he look at me, he just stop and smile and said :
VR : “heyyy, how are you?”
I really shock and look with unbelievable eyes, only saw him already make my body shaking how about when he greets me first! It was such and unforgettable moment ever!!
Me: “I’m doing good, how are you? Very happy to look your 1st day result test”
VR : “Thanks for support…” (with his humble smile while patting my shoulder friendly)And he went up again to the stage because need to do some interview with four media Television.
Really unbelievable, The biggest rider ever on this sport who have million fans can remember with his fans. It happened to me not only one time, he already couple of times greet me first even only for couple of second but it’s really greatest attitude come from the amazing rider.
And After that, I went up to the stage only for chat up with other Yamaha riders, they all very nice. Valentino just finish 1 interview with TV media and when he look at me, I just don't brave to say want photo with him due with his busy time but Valentino Rossi maybe understands that I’m coming only to see him and he gives his busy time to come and took a photo with me. One of his management said “Not time for photo Valentino, you still have 3 media again to interview” with Italian accent very polite and friendly.
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Valentino Rossi and Dsulistiyo |
VR : “Ok, it’s ok I only take a photo for a minute with her” (smile look at me and talk a little bit with me while he embrace my shoulder as he always do with all his fans)
Me : “Thank you Valentino Rossi, you really kind"
VR : (Smile…)And after that he continue and sitting on his bike for doing some interview again.
See…I have nothing again to say, Valentino Rossi is a very different idol, he gave his busy time for always treat well his fans. He knows so well that he is busy, he knows so well that he have million fans , and he knows so well how to make his fans keep loyal with him.
After that Press Conference I can slept very tight, I always believe that I’m very proud to be his fans, I put my adore in the right person.
On the next day February 5th, the 2nd day of 1st MotoGP test 2014, I come to the circuit around 10am, walking around the paddock and chat with some journalists in media center. Look the result of the Valentino Rossi’s test is still not get the best shape on the timesheet, but as we already understand the test is going not for be fastest but to know and understand the placing and to try lots of setting to find the weaknesses and the goodness from the bike for the input to the engineering and mechanic. But before lunch time Valentino Rossi found the best setting and jump up to the big 3 and finish the test on 2nd place.
Around 2pm, my luckiness come again to me, Yamaha give a chance to visit Yamaha’s paddock and for me it’s truly the first experience I never think it will happened to me. Not many people can get this chance, but I can be 1 of them lucky, so happy.
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Valentino Rossi Box, Feb 4th 2014 |
And one of Yamaha crew said like this to me: “You’re really lucky when other come to the box, Valentino ride his bike on the track but you can meet him on the box, great!” (with his Japanese accent)
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Corner 2 Sepang International Circuit, SSK |
One of media Malaysia took photo of me on the corner 2 Sepang circuit and he just gave very great art result. The photo of me like use poster as a background but actually it was really riders on the track. Just brilliant idea for him.
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The Star Newspaper, Feb 7th 2014 |
After all very great experience I got little bit surprise, one of photo me in the corner too publish in one of Malaysian Newspaper "The Star" , Greatly appreciated with the media which gives great appreciation away to fans.
I share it not for make people jealous and hate me; I just want to share the humble spirit of Valentino Rossi. Once someday we can be a big people don’t ever forget with the humanity side.
Doing everything with full heart and people will notice by itself.
Don’t ever give up because you never know when the result will come.
When we believe we can find way, when we trying hard we can find the result, when we do with love we can get everything we dream for ~ dsulistiyo
Thanks Valentino Rossi for every good things you gave to us: “Brave, consistence, patience , high spirit and the important one the humbleness”